I totally forgot some days. And at least on a couple of occasions, my Monica Gellar-Bing started showing as I set up shots over and over. (‘and over’ says Darrin from the couch). But in all, Capture December is doing what I had hoped it would. I’m taking extra long moments to be present. I’ve seen things this season that might have otherwise gotten overlooked. Pieces of December that in all likelihood, would have been packed back into a box on the 31st without a single pause to appreciate them. I’ve also captured some pretty amazing Tucker moments. Still shots in time, as Christmas and all that comes with it, is revealed to him for the first time. After the first few days, I stopped setting up the shots and just let them happen naturally (hello metaphor for my life). I’m excited to finish the remaining days but thought I would share some of what was captured.
If you did this holiday challenge with me, I would love to see some of your captured moments. A few of you have shared your pics with me along the way and I LOVE them. It is so lovely to see each unique, personal interpretation of a single word or phrase (hello metaphor for the world). So send me your links or pics if you don’t mind sharing, I really would love to see them. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season. And I hope you are able to spend this Christmas with people you love. Or at least people who can bake. Celebrate all your miracles. Merry Christmas from Team Hucks.
And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” Luke 2:10
- Red


Christmas Song


Favorite Holiday Movie



Wrapping Paper



A Beautiful Sight
- Stocking

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