Before and after Tucker’s complicated birth, we prayerfully and thoughtfully considered all the options for growing our family. Or not. We both felt the decision to expand our team couldn’t really be made until we knew the extent to which Tucker’s needs might require 100% of our attention. So we waited, and listened. We talked to doctors and each other about things like odds, statistics and uncertainty. Our road to parenthood was rough the first go round, y’all. And while I’ve made peace with my fickle womb, I still don’t entirely trust her. And so we prayed. A lot. After taking a few trips to the middle of our souls, and looking around in there for some clarity, we believe our bench (and certainly our heart) has room for another player.
So, we’re excited to announce that we’re expanding!
Our team is going to grow by one adorable, celebrated, perfectly-placed baby. One thing that won’t be expanding though, is my belly. There isn’t a due date countdown, we aren’t sure when or even where our baby will be born. This rookie won’t have my eyes or Darrin’s hands and if it’s a girl, mercifully, she won’t have my sturdy hips. This child will get those familiar traits and mannerisms from someone else. Someone who loves them fiercely. So much that she will choose us to raise her most cherished gift.
We are making this big announcement because it is big news. We want this child to know how eagerly we anticipated his or her arrival to our family. Adoption is not our second choice or our last choice. And it is not our only choice. Adoption is our favorite choice. We are so grateful that we will be growing our family in this way. It is how we believe God chose for our family to be woven together. And it is to be celebrated. This moment. Just like seeing the extra line on a stick, this moment is just as extraordinary. The moment you know that a soul will be joined to your’s for eternity. It’s the biggest of news, and we wanted to share it.
There is more to come and lots has already happened as we have started preparing for this next step. We would love to share part of the journey with you because you have been some of our best cheerleaders from the beginning. I’ll use this space to continue writing about preemie life, sweets, rookie parent stunts and now, a little of our adoption story. There will be parts that we share openly and parts we may choose to keep private. As always, we would love your prayers.
We hope you’ll share in our joy. We’ve been so excited to tell you. We’ve known since early this year and have been working on all the steps and planning (the paperwork is no joke, y’all). Our cup runs over, knowing that each of our children will have a unique story to hold in their hearts of how they came into this world and into our family. While this baby will not grow in my womb, this child has been growing in our hearts for a very long time. Lucky parents, we are.
“I will put my trust in him, and behold, I and the children God has given me.” Hebrews 2:13

This is how we told our parents.
Shanna Hash says
So….apparently I missed this blog post several months ago. So you know I just had to click the red letters on the birthday blog. Way to go you guys!!! Tucker will make an awesome big brother!! Can’t wait to follow you guys on this journey!!! Sending you many many prayers and hopes for HUGE BLESSINGS!!!!!!
Heather says
Ha! Thanks Shanna! Yes, we are very excited about the adoption but the wait is hard for sure. Thank you for the prayers, we appreciate them so much.
Jessie Colton says
Tears are streaming as I read this for the second time in two days. I have followed along with Tucker since he was born, and what a sweet miracle he is. I am forever touched by your way with words, and just when I think the story can’t be more touching, it somehow is. I have your Mother’s Day post on my bulletin board at work and read it when I feel sad. This most recent announcement is fantastic and I wish you guys all the best in this new journey and I can’t wait to see new posts and the progress.
Heather says
Jessie, you totally just made my day! Thank you so much for the kind words. I can’t tell you how much it means to connect with other moms and dads through our story. Thank you for the support!
Summer says
Oh and by the way, adoption is the biggest blessing! People will tell you that you baby is lucky to have you (and that will definitely be true) but you’ll soon learn it’s exactly the opposite 🙂 You’ll be blessed by him or her every day!
Summer says
I’m so thrilled for you guys I can hardly contain it! Please let me know if I can help you with anything. I’m so anxious for more news 🙂
Heather says
Thanks Summer. So happy to have you in our life to share this experience. Liam is such a perfect fit in your family. I can’t imagine it any other way. Love you guys!
Shannon says
Congratulations! You don’t know me and quite honestly, I don’t remember how I heard about y’all, but I have been following your story and praying for sweet Tucker’s health and growth! Our family is also adopting- as you said, because it is our favorite choice! After two blessedly easy pregnancies with my boys, we felt like offering a home to a child who needs one was the best choice for our family! Best wishes to you on this journey!
Heather says
Thank you so much Shannon! We are very excited. I’m glad you found us and have been so supportive!
Amanda Martin says
How exciting!! I am extremely happy for your family. Tucker is going to be an amazing big brother and if it is a little girl, I am sure he will also be the protective big brother. Good luck to you all. I hope the process is not too overwhelming and you will be able to announce a gender/name/age of a little one soon.
Heather says
Thank you Amanda! Tucker is very excited. If you ask him if he wants a brother or sister he changes his mind by the day!
Grazia says
This is very very exciting, and moving.
I love two sentences in your post: you “still don’t entirely trust” your womb (very good answer to all the ones asking “why don’t you have another baby after a difficult and premature birth?”) and “adoption is our favorite choice”. A favorite choice is the best choice!
Congratulations, really. As I read I thought, I would do this as well! It is a wonderful way to… move forward.
Best wishes, from Italy.
Heather says
Thank you so much for the comment. I love that we have a follower in Italy! And yes, making peace with my womb was a long process, for sure. As you know, there is such a sense of guilt that comes with preemie birth, so it was important for me to try and work through that. Best wishes to you from the US!
Jess says
Team Hucks,
This is amazing news, congratulations!!! We look forward to following you on this new chapter and are excited to see your new addition. Love the way you shared the news with your parents – brought tears of happiness to my eyes. My heart is so full for you three as you await your bundle of precious joy!
XO, Jess & Kevin
Heather says
Thanks Jess! Love catching up on you from the blog (and Dan says you have eaten meat??!!). Miss you guys!
Trudy says
so happy for you guys!! Best family to become a part of!!
Susan Green says
So excited for you! Congratulations!
Heather says
Thank you Susan, my dad retired just in time!
Tammy Petrina says
Will enjoy watching your family grow! I am very happy for all of you!
Heather says
Thank you Tammy!
Megan White says
While sitting here reading this wonderful news I am full of many happy tears. You all deserve every bit of this and what an amazing brother Tucker will be ……YAY 😉
Heather says
Thank you so much Megan! We are very excited 🙂
BB says
I’m so excited to read this!! Congratulations!!!
Heather says
Thank you, we are excited and nervous at the same time! Waiting is hard!
Vinnie says
And I will await “the rest of the story”.
Love, Vinnie
Heather says
Thanks for always being so supportive Vinnie!