Until a few years ago I had two great grandmothers in my life. One lived into her mid 90’s and the other lived to be 101. We grow the women sturdy in our family-they live long, strong lives. I am still blessed with two grandmothers who are independent and very much a part of our lives. They both got to see Tucker recently and I was reminded that no prayer is more special than those of a grandmother. Except maybe a great grandmother 🙂
- can play any tune, on any keyed instrument, from memory
- is in her 90’s and just a few years ago finally switched from a manual shift car to an automatic
- has read the Bible cover to cover. More than once.
- raised a teenage fast drivin’, football playin’ son by herself, when her husband died in his 40’s (she never missed a football game)
- would never buy me the Happy Meal because, “we would just be paying for that box” 🙂
- always had half a stick of gum in her purse that I could find
- was in a band called the “Victorettes” when she was in her 20’s, they have a record!
- cuts out and mails me articles from the paper that she thinks I will find useful
- knows the dirt on every single presidential administration that has been in the White House
- can tell a good story
- makes a mean coconut cake
- played the organ and piano at church every week and would give the evil eye from the organ bench to my dad who was usually misbehaving in a pew
- is by far, the best money saver I know (she was raised during the depression-she has seen true poverty in this country)
- prays for Tucker every. single. day.

Two happy people. My grandma has never gotten to hold Tucker until this picture. She has prayed for him every day from the moment he was born.
- still does 50 sit ups every few days
- can outwalk you
- always had a half stick of gum in the drawer of the desk in the hallway
- taught me how to can corn and green beans with a pressure cooker
- has read the Bible cover to cover
- had sayings like, Â “I’ll wind your spring!” to get me to behave
- makes a mean banana pudding
- learned from her mom, then taught my mom, who then taught me…how to make a good biscuit
- was married to my grandad for over 60 years
- taught me my first bible verse-John 3:16
- is in her 80’s and still mows her own grass. With a push mower
- took care of her mother in law every single day in the nursing home for many, many years until she passed away
- comes down every few weeks to take care of my niece and nephew. And says things to them like, “I”ll wind your spring!” to get them to behave 🙂
- is affectionately called the  ‘white tornado’ by our family because she (and her white hair) can whirl through your house and have it cleaned top to bottom in 4 hours flat
- prays for Tucker every single day
“Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.” Hebrews 13:7
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